Combatting increasing cyber threats and a lack of critical training
In short, security teams (as ever) are being asked to do more with less. To modernise their security and optimize resources, many MYREDFORT Community members are looking at implementing a security incident and event management (SIEM) model.
Read this eBook to learn how next-generation SIEM tools surpass traditional security tools with automation, cloud-native services, data analysis, and more. Discover which core capabilities are must-haves for a next-generation SIEM.
See how you can connect custom large language models (LLMs) to enterprise data.
Using serverless frameworks to accelerate with AWS.
Modern data protection: What is it and why should you care?
Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals.
How does your cloud operating model stack up?
How to build and implement an effective strategy
The trends in cloud security that can help improve your cloud security posture.
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We help you to better understand the security challenges associated with digital business and how to address them, so your company remains safe and secure.