These often include cost savings from owning and managing a cyber security estate and employing enough of the right staff to do so.
With the rapid march towards digital transformation, cost isn’t the only reason. Even if a business has an IT department, they may not have the skills or people to keep pace with the exponential rise in cyber security threats.
Taking a managed service for the cyber security aspects of your business both relieves pressure on internal resource and ensures knowledgeable experts are on hand with the right skills and technologies to guarantee service levels.
Managed Security Services provide access to the latest industry processes and techniques to conform to statutory compliance and regulation requirements as well as protecting an organisation’s data, customers, staff and suppliers from the ever-present risk of cyber attack.
If you'd like any more information on this topic, feel free to request a callback from a specialist.
Ashok Thomas, CEO of leading managed security company, NetUtils, talks candidly about the pro’s and con’s for SME’s thinking about taking a managed security service into their business
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