Identity theft alert!

SWCRC's top tips to secure your organisation

Are you aware of the many ways identity thieves can target your business and its employees?

Our partners at the police and Home Office-backed Southwest Cyber Resilience Centre have put together seven common methods and how to protect yourself.

  • Phone scams: Be cautious of unsolicited calls asking for personal information.
  • Phishing: Avoid clicking on suspicious links in emails or texts.
  • Wi-Fi hacking: Use a VPN on public networks.
  • Malware: Protect your devices with trusted antivirus software.
  • Data breaches: Monitor your accounts and monitor passwords regularly.
  • Poor password hygiene: Use strong, unique passwords follow the NCSC advice, 3 Random Words!
  • Lost/stolen cards: Act quickly to cancel lost or stolen cards.

Stay vigilant, ensure your users are informed, and protect your organisation's data and identity.

Ready to improve your resilience to cyber attacks?

All Cyber Resilience Centres provide a range of products and services to businesses and charities operating within their region, as part of their FREE core membership.

▶ Find out about those services here.

If you're not in the South West, there are Cyber Resilience centres nationwide all offering a similar service to small businesses - find your nearest here.

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