We’re so confident that we can beat your email security renewal, we’ll give you 10% off your renewal price if we don’t!

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Life is busy enough in a cybersecurity team without making work for yourself, eh? In any case, loyal customers always get the best deals, right?
5 good reasons to pause for thought

You’re slowly approaching the due date of your email security licence renewal.  Most companies who already have this in place won’t think twice and will auto-renew because they think it’s all pretty much the same and it’s not changed in years. Maybe you’re safe in the knowledge your provider is still a big name in the market and in any case, it’s much easier to leave well alone. 

Well, as it happens, that’s not necessarily true. In fact, businesses across the UK are, in some cases, paying thousands of pounds more than they need to simply because they renewed their current cybersecurity instead of looking around the market.

We’ve come up with 5 reasons why you should avoid simply renewing your email security licence and offer up a few tips along the way to help save money without losing out on feature sets.

1.  Looking around doesn’t mean you have to jump

Of course, you could be one of the lucky ones and have a provider that IS offering you the best deal, in which case you’re being looked after and are a winner!

We think getting a quote from an alternative source is a bargaining chip and at the very least you will get the opportunity to haggle for a better deal that way.

2.  New customers get the better deals

Whilst businesses who stick with the same solution provider get the same deal as previous years, new customers get the advantage of discounted offers and are able to negotiate.  It could be you’ve got the exact same requirement as another company, but they’ve been offered it at a drastically reduced price to get them on board.

With loyalty guaranteed from most customers, vendors instead look towards luring in new customers, rather than rewarding their current ones. One of the ways in which they do this is by offering them much lower pricing and/or enhanced feature sets.

Take a look around and compare feature sets and pricing with your current deal, you could take advantage of becoming the “new customer” elsewhere.

3.  The market may have changed since your last renewal

When you first decided to choose your current provider, you might have done so in the knowledge that they were best in class and charging the best price/feature set on offer at the time. Now, however, it could be a completely different picture with increased competition driving pricing down and features up. 

Also, post-pandemic is making all businesses look more closely at pricing – whether you’re selling or buying so it makes sense to look around to see what else is on offer before you commit to your current provider for an annual term or longer.

4. Too busy to take time to check out new technology

Of course, it’s ‘simpler’ to renew and with IT teams under pressure to do more with less it would definitely be simpler to click “auto-renew”. As we’ve said, many IT teams choose to renew their current arrangement because it’s ‘easier’ to do so.

The process of finding a cheaper provider may not be as time-consuming as you think.  Many vendors offer online comparisons and will offer guides on the likely amount you could save.  At the very least it’s worth sitting down during a coffee break and doing some homework using simple tools provided. 

Saving your business thousands of pounds whilst maintaining the same levels – or better – of security could never have been more important.  This year more than most, it could be the difference between someone in the business keeping their job or losing it.

5. Loyalty isn’t always rewarded

It’s natural to assume that prolonged loyalty will lead to a reward further down the line – discounts, extended offers and so on.  This approach doesn’t usually pay off and if you’ve not looked around the market since the last renewal or even further back, then you could be surprised at the cost savings you could make.


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If you’re going down the auto-renew route because, quite frankly it’s easier and you haven’t got the time, then you could be missing out on some serious savings and/or enhanced feature sets.

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