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There's a plethora of email security solutions on the market and many SMBs choose Microsoft 365 with its world-leading suite of technologies. Once a chosen solution's in place there's an assumption it'll provide all that’s needed to keep emails and sensitive data safe. This isn’t always the case many businesses remain blissfully unaware of the potential risks they face.
Whichever you've chosen, you need to know whatever's thrown your way will be stopped in its tracks.
Given most security breaches come as a result of the action of authorised network users it comes as no surprise that these mistakes are cited as the top threat to sensitive data. It therefore, makes even more sense to remove assumptions and guesswork from the equation and know for sure the state of your email security landscape.
Source: Ponemon Institute
Cyber-crime can have a devastating effect on an education establishment's reputation. Having the right protection in place is now more essential than ever.
Whether in the public or private sector you're under the same GDPR scrutiny as any other organisation . This sudden explosion in demand for more diverse working arrangements and networking comes with its own set of challenges which include raised levels of phishing attempts aimed at parents, teachers and staff alike.
The test is simulated, automated and poses no risk to your email security. Once you’ve taken the test, if you’d like help reviewing the results or next steps to securing your data, we can put you in touch with carefully selected specialists who’ll review the test results and advise accordingly.
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