Sustainable IT

How the digital revolution is going green

This is not an eBook about increasing office recycling, reducing waste, or cutting down on printing for the benefit of the environment.

These are things businesses and office spaces around the would should be - and are beginning to - channel more effort into, in the name of sustainability.  Yet that's not all that can be done.

To be a sustainable organisation today, attention needs to turn to sustainable IT: what it means, how to make it a core focus in any business, and what small (and big) changes you can make to start leading the way and providing solutions to your clients when they come forward seeking systems and products to boost their business.

First thing’s first, we address what the term "sustainable IT" really means and whether it's being accurately interpreted by companies in 2022.

Find out more in this new eBook from Quantum IT Distribution.

▶️ Download eBook.

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