Accelerate your generative AI development

See how you can connect custom large language models (LLMs) to enterprise data

LLMs can help increase efficiency across enterprise tasks but these models often struggle to understand real-time events and specific knowledge domains, which can lead to inaccuracies.

To make matters worse, fine-tuning LLMs can help improve accuracy, but it can be costly, labor-intensive, and require ample technical expertise. NeMo Retriever, part of NVIDIA AI Enterprise, on AWS helps enterprises enhance their generative AI applications with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) capabilities.

Join this AWS Spotlight Series event to see how to optimise the embedding and retrieval process of RAG to deliver higher accuracy and more efficient responses for AI applications.

The lowdown
  • 📅 Wednesday 8 May
  • ⏲️ 14:00 GMT
  • 📍 Online

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