Work smarter and faster with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals

If you're looking for ways to gain a competitive edge, getting the fundamentals right can often set you on the right path.

If you're using Microsoft 365, the MYREDFORT team recommend virtual training day in which you'll learn how to work smarter and faster with Microsoft 365 - while maintaining built-in security and compliance. You’ll also explore licensing, service and support options for your organisation.

Who should attend:

  • IT professionals and administrators
  • IT decision makers

This is a foundational-level course. Attendees should understand the fundamental scope of technology and the opportunity to integrate without practice or hands-on experience.

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  • Enable security, compliance and privacy features within Microsoft 365.
  • Identify the right Microsoft 365 pricing and support for your organisation.
  • Jump-start your preparation for the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals certification exam.

📅 19th June 2023, 14:00-16:15 (BST) or 20th June 2023, 14:00-16:00 (BST)

▶ Register now.

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