Some think that hackers are "cool" and that their spirit of mischief and sneaking is admirable.

Please get in touch if you need any advice and we’ll connect you with an expert who can help (we won’t give your details to anyone - we’ll give you a selection to choose from).

1. Kids "having fun"

These are adolescents who are essentially Internet vandals and are also known as Script Kiddies.

They use existing computer scripts or codes to hack into computers because they lack the expertise to write their own. They're not looking for more than a few hours of fun messing with websites or networks, but have the ability to cause havoc.

2. Recreational "Hackers"

These are savvy computer users who intrude on networks when they feel, in their minds at least, they have a valid reason to.

They may have a grudge against a certain website or company and take their dislike out by "hacking" or disrupting the website. Or they simply want to use their skills to make easy money.

3. Black Hat “Professional Hackers”

When a computer expert or recreational hacker gets a taste for hacking or enjoys the buzz, he or she will continue to use their skill, often to steal money, or cause maximum disruption and reputational damage.

They use deception to obtain personal information that they will use for many purposes, not least to or demand ransom payments or to trick account owners into handing over bank details. They also might like taking down a big network for "fun."

4. White Hat - "Ethical Hackers"

Ethical hacking (or penetration testing) is the exploitation of an IT system with the permission of its owner to determine its vulnerabilities and weak points.

It’s an effective way of testing and validating an organisation’s cybersecurity vulnerabilities, check incident detection and response process.

What happens in a Phishing attack?



Phishers decide which business to target and determine how to get e-mail addresses for the customers of that business. They often use the same mass-mailing and address collection techniques as spammers.



Once they know which business to spoof and who their victims are, phishers create methods for delivering the message and collecting the data. Most often, this involves e-mail addresses and a Web page.



This is the step people are most familiar with -- the phisher sends a phony message that appears to be from a reputable source.



Phishers record the information victims enter into Web pages or popup windows.


Identity Theft and Fraud.

The phishers use the information they've gathered to make illegal purchases or otherwise commit fraud. As many 25% of the victims never fully recover

If the phisher wants to co-ordinate another attack, he evaluates the successes and failures of the completed scam and begins the cycle again.

Phishing scams take advantages of software and security weaknesses on both the client and server sides. But even the most high-tech phishing scams work like old-fashioned con jobs, in which a hustler convinces his mark that he is reliable and trustworthy.

Education, Education

Tips for improving your company’s cybersecurity.

  • Consider nominating individuals as part of a new leadership team focused solely on cyber protection. These individuals will be responsible for training staff members about the necessary security policies and maintaining open lines of communication with stakeholders.
  • Realise that Mircosoft 365 isn’t enough. Although it’s transformational, it doesn’t come with enough safeguards to deter the criminal fraternity.
  • In the event of a data breach, it’s important to minimise the time it takes to restore your organisation’s sensitive data by regularly backing up your files – ideally off-site in the cloud where cyber-criminals cannot locate the data so easily.

Phishing is a form of fraud in which an attacker masquerades as a reputable entity or person in email or other forms of communication. Attackers will commonly use phishing emails to distribute malicious links or attachments that can perform a variety of functions. Some will extract login credentials or account information from victims.

Email Phishing

Most phishing attacks are sent by email, where a fake domain is registered that mimics a genuine organisation. The fake domain often involves character substitution, like using ‘r’ and ‘n’ next to each other to create ‘rn’ instead of ‘m’.

Alternatively, they might use the organisation’s name in the local part of the email address (such as paypal@domainregistrar.com) in the hopes that the sender’s name will simply appear as ‘PayPal’ in the recipient’s inbox.

There are many ways to spot a phishing email, but as a general rule, you should always check the email address of a message that asks you to click a link or download a attachment.

Spear Phishing

Spear phishing, describes malicious emails sent to a specific person. Criminals who do this will already have some or all of the following information about the victim:

  • Their name; 
  • Place of employment; 
  • Job title; 
  • Email address; and 
  • Specific information about their job role. 

Whaling attacks are even more targeted, taking aim at senior executives. Although the end goal of whaling is the same as any other kind of CEO Fraud - CEO fraud, is when attackers abuse the compromised email account of a CEO or other high-ranking executive to authorise fraudulent transfer of funds to a financial institution of their choice.

Smishing and Vishing

With both smishing and vishing, telephones replace emails as the method of communication. Smishing involves criminals sending text messages (the content of which is much the same as with email phishing), and vishing involves a telephone conversation.

Angler phishing

A relatively new attack vector, social media offers a number of ways for criminals to trick people. Fake URLs; cloned websites, posts, and tweets; and instant messaging (which is essentially the same as smishing) can all be used to persuade people to divulge sensitive information or download malware.


As users become wiser to traditional phishing scams, some fraudsters are abandoning the idea of “baiting” their victims entirely. Instead, they are resorting to pharming.

This method of phishing leverages cache poisoning against the domain name system (DNS). Under a DNS cache poisoning attack, a pharmer targets a DNS server and changes the IP address associated with an alphabetical website name. That means an attacker can redirect users to a malicious website of their choice. That’s the case even if the victim enters the correct site name.

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